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Pollution: 19x more likely to get sick…


Pollution crops up in conversation, the first image to intrude our thoughts is an urban setting engulfed by factory smoke or exhaust fumes. And then, we bury our heads in the sand because that can’t possibly be affecting me or my area, am I right? You wouldn’t think it, but indoor areas that host day-to-day activities create their own pollution as well as trapping polluted outdoor air. The World Health Organisation has stated that cross contamination of airborne viruses and diseases are 19x more likely to occur indoors than outdoors. While you can easily monitor and improve the air you breathe at home, when you’re in public spaces like your workplace, the responsibility to maintain healthy air levels falls on your employer.

Pollution indoors is on average 3.5x higher than outdoors but has been recorded to peak at 560x higher. Considering we spend around 90% of our time indoors, it’s crucial we pull our heads out of that sand and start considering protecting the air we breathe behind closed doors for a healthier, more productive lifestyle.

If air quality consistently exceeds WHO limits, each breath we take carries the potential threat of ill health, employee absences and decreased productivity in the workplace. It’s proven that clean air can be linked to overall wellness, mental health and even brain development. People-first businesses wanting to ensure maximum hygiene, employee productivity and well being should take decisive steps to install air purification solutions to protect their people. Recent statistics show that 70% of office workers believe that air quality is having a negative effect on their daily productivity and well being.

Offices aren’t the only space that would largely benefit from cleaner air, schools are in need of purification units too, given the amount of time children spend in classrooms. Unfortunately, WHO’s investigation proved that six out of ten UK classrooms have poorer air quality that traffic-infested roads. Protecting our children, teachers and caretakers should be a priority to education organisations. Some schools are already leading by investing in air purification technology. The risks involved with polluted air in education is not to be taken lightly and requires attention. If pupils fall ill, they risk missing lessons and falling behind; if teachers get sick, schools will be short staffed. Bringing air purifiers to the educational sector eliminates those common viruses and bacteria in addition to combating more harmful disease and illnesses, keeping pupils, teachers, and caretakers in school, and learning on track.

Ensuring the people in offices and schools breathe safely is crucial, but it’s so important that we restore public confidence in leisure areas. It’s no secret that hospitality was knocked the hardest by the pandemic, kitting your venue out with air purification units can help in abundance. Investing in air purification not only complies with HSE government regulations, but will benefit overall health, reducing staff absences and it will give your customers the reassurance they need to trust that your venue is clean and safe to visit.

Never has there been this level of awareness when it comes to air quality, and the organisations decisive enough to take the next step, installing air purification technology are reaping the benefits. We have an air purifier in our office here at the Clemas HQ, we can confirm that 1. It’s awesome and 2. Sickness absences are now rare. Unless our team members are on holiday, we have a full, healthy, and collaborative office.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article, if you have any questions, or want to find out how you can start cleaning your air, please contact us on 01684 850777 or email [email protected]

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