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Could your premises do with a Spring clean?


If you are thinking of giving your premises a spring clean we may be able to assist you.

To ensure that you are making the most out of your time and effort it is essential to keep your cleaning machine in prime condition. Good maintenance of your cleaning machine with regular servicing, replacement of worn parts is obviously critical to ensuring a good performance.

However without the use of good quality consumables in conjunction with this you will not be making the most effective use of your cleaning machine. Whether it be a floor cleaner or floor sweeper they all need the best quality and condition consumables such as squeegee blades, brushes, chemical to ensure that the machine is doing the best possible job for you, thus saving you wasted time and effort by only doing the job once.

During April we are offering a sliding discount on all scrubber dryer and sweeper consumables when you buy three or more. In effect the more you buy the more you save. By buying more than one you will be able to keep spares for those inevitable just in case moments, without the frustration of having to stop and wait for new parts to arrive!

Our range of brands we carry consumables for can be viewed here –

To find out more about this promotion please click here

 Please call us on 01684 850777 for any further information on our machines, hire or services. 

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