2022 You’ve Been a Blast…


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*BLINKS* Well, that’s another year been and gone. Who are we kidding? This year has been one of the most interesting, action-packed years for Clemas to date! We just want to start this off with a thank you, thank you for supporting us for yet another year.

Now, let’s get into it…

In May, we released our virtual showroom alongside a competition where we gave away 3 WHOLE i-mop lites! It’s been a great collaboration project for the team. Working together has always been a strength for Clemas, we really do work as one synced unit. Speaking of the team, It’s expanded. In the first half of 2022, we welcomed 2 new full-time members into the Clemas team. Paula, our new Accounts Administrator, and Liv, our new Marketing Assistant. Neither have been scared off and run away yet *BONUS* Jokes aside, they’ve both settled in nicely and looking forward to being a part of the journey Clemas is on.

As a small business, every win is a big win. We’d be lying if we said our demand hadn’t increased this year. Our hire fleet has grown considerably. So, to accommodate, some changes were made. You guessed it, more space! It really was a memorable moment having multi-level racking installed in our workshop… and filling it! Not only did we get multi-level racking, but we also opened a 3rd facility in Bristol. GO TEAM!

People always come first, YOU always come first. So, we tried to think up ways in which we could give back to you, to show our care and appreciation for your support! After much brainstorming and internal research, we realised the potential to solve a common, reoccurring problem. Once a machine has been delivered and appropriate staff have been trained on the given machine, often there are staff turnovers. Skip a year or so down the line and the new cleaning machine operators don’t have appropriate training, which can lead to the machine being under maintained and used incorrectly, resulting in damage. To solve this problem, we decided to roll out QR codes for most machines which details how to use and maintain that model specifically. Staff members now have all relevant information about their machines at their fingertips. #Winning

Moving on. Some of you may have noticed we have a new umbrella term, 4D cleaning. As we branch out into the air cleaning industry, it fits. Realising the severity of indoor air pollution and its shocking effects on both our day-to-day and long-term health was eye opening to say the least. It means more than adding another great product to our website, we believe in people’s rights to breathe clean air. We ourselves have even had the pleasure of conducting our first ever air quality case study where we visited a highly polluted facility with a *holds nose* pretty severe odour. The results we measured after just one hour of our air purifiers was incredible, stay tuned for a case study release soon.

Apart from the business stuff, 2022 has been filled with interesting challenges, new friendships, lots of laughter and CAKE! Yep, cake. It’s a thing here. If it’s your birthday, it’s your respectful duty to bring the cake.

Well, that’s a wrap! We hope you have a wonderfully merry Christmas with loved ones and eat lots of cake. See you next year!

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